Washington County Public Schools
Early Learning
Para ayuda adicional, comuniquese con Sonia en el Centro internacional de Bienvenida@ 301-766-828
If this is your first experience with Washington County Public Schools, we welcome you! Please see enrollment information below.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Step 1: If you attended Pre-K in Washington County, you must still enroll in Kindergarten, but you may not need to complete all the paperwork. Please talk with the clerical staff at your child's school to inquire about the needed information, and click on the link below.
Step 2: If you are NEW to WCPS, please follow the next few steps to enroll.
Step 3: To enroll in Kindergarten, you child must be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2024. When you have gathered all the documents below, please call the school your child will attend to make an appointment to enroll.
A photo ID of parent/legal guardian enrolling student
Child's birth certificate
Proof of Residency (current w/in 90 days)
Custody Documents (if applicable)
Para ayuda adicional, comuniquese con Sonia en el Centro internacional de Bienvenida@ 301-766-8288
If you are interested in applying for Early Admittance to Kindergarten, please see additional information under the "More" tab.